Posts Tagged ‘Facebook’

Dean Kearney Returning to Formula D 2013 with Own Team and a Dodge Viper

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Dean Kearney teased early on Facebook a picture of his previous Dodge Viper and shortly after Wrecked talked about Deans return with the Dodge Viper that he previously drove under the V-Led sponsor.

Kearney responded on Facebook and then on Wrecked’s comments confirming his return to Formula D in 2013 in the Dodge Viper with his own team. He said he will be ready for Round 1 in Long Beach, So Good Luck to Dean and glad to see you making a return after your poor luck in the 2011 and 2012 seasons.


Conrad Grunewald Retires 2012 Camaro to Build… Another Camaro?

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Last night Conrad Grunewald, pilot of the Hankook Camaro and star of the dozen restarts match between Daigo Saito vs Conrad Grunewald took to Facebook last night to post the following photo of his 2012 Formula D Camaro announcing its retirement.
After about a dozen people asking what was next and hoping for something new he just said it would “Still a Camaro of course. This one is going to be amazing though.” Not sure how amazing a Camaro can be, but let’s see. He also took a moment to respond to a fans inquiry about selling the Camaro and poke fun at Mustangs.